HDD Utilities moling services are used by domestic and commercial customers looking to install pipework and ducting’s in any sizes between 25-110mm, moling is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional open cut trenching.

Moling is a perfect alternative for installations under lawns, hedges, driveways, roads and is up to 4 times faster than traditional methods meaning we can complete many projects in just one day.

For installations between 25-32mm, we use smaller more compact “smartmoles” meaning our excavations are even smaller than competitors who use traditionally longer in length moles.

What is a mole & how does it work ?

A mole is a soil displacement hammer which is safely controlled by an engineer that launches it from a small excavation point allowing the mole to punch its way through the ground to the next excavation point which is approx. 10-20m away, once travelling through the ground the soil is compacted outwards to create a smooth bore hole which allows new pipework and ducting’s to be installed quickly, without the need for an unsightly trench.

The Benefits of Moling:

Environmentally friendly

Small launch & receive pits required

Minimal disruption to the surface

Reduced road closures

Faster installation times

Pipework, cable & ducting installations

How many excavations will be required ?

This depends on the length of pipe we are installing and obstacles that are in the way such as well-established trees, drains, gas and electric services we may need to cross. We always aim to keep excavations to a minimum at all times, but precaution and safety is always the priority for our engineers and customers.

Start your Moling project today by calling us on  0800 024 8490